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•DROMEDARY (Isaiah 60:6), an African or Arabian species of camel having only one hump, while the Bactrian camel has two. It is distinguished from the camel only as a trained saddle-horse is distinguished from a cart-horse. It is remarkable for its speed (Jeremiah 2:23). Camels are frequently spoken of in partriarchal times (Genesis 12:16; 24:10; 30:43; 31:17, etc.). They were used for carrying burdens (Genesis 37:25; Judges 6:5), and for riding (Genesis 24:64). The hair of the camel falls off of itself in spring, and is woven into coarse cloths and garments (Matthew 3:4). (See CAMEL.)
•DROPSY mentioned only in Luke 14:2. The man afflicted with it was cured by Christ on the Sabbath.
•DROSS the impurities of silver separated from the one in the process of melting (Proverbs 25:4; 26:23; Psalm 119:119). It is also used to denote the base metal itself, probably before it is smelted, in Isaiah 1:22, 25.
•DROUGHT From the middle of May to about the middle of August the land of Palestine is dry. It is then the “drought of summer” (Genesis 31:40; Psalm 32:4), and the land suffers (Deuteronomy 28:23: Psalm 102:4), vegetation being preserved only by the dews (Hag. 1:11). (See DEW.)