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•FIREBRAND Isaiah 7:4, Amos 4:11, Zechariah 3:2, denotes the burnt end of a stick (Hebrews ‘ud); in Judges 15:4, a lamp or torch, a flambeau (Hebrews lappid); in Proverbs 26:18 (comp. Ephesians 6:16), burning darts or arrows (Hebrews zikkim).
•FIREPAN (Exodus 27:3; 38:3), one of the vessels of the temple service (rendered “snuff-dish” Exodus 25:38; 37:23; and “censer” Leviticus 10:1; 16:12). It was probably a metallic cinder-basin used for the purpose of carrying live coal for burning incense, and of carrying away the snuff in trimming the lamps.