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FOOTSTOOL connected with a throne (2 Chronicles 9:18). Jehovah symbolically dwelt in the holy place between the cherubim above the ark of the covenant. The ark was his footstool (1 Chronicles 28:2; Psalm 99:5; 132:7). And as heaven is God’s throne, so the earth is his footstool (Psalm 110:1; Isaiah 66:1; Matthew 5:35).

FORCES of the Gentiles (Isaiah 60:5, 11; R.V., “the wealth of the nations”) denotes the wealth of the heathen. The whole passage means that the wealth of the Gentile world should be consecrated to the service of the church.

FORD Mention is frequently made of the fords of the Jordan (Joshua 2:7; Judges 3:28; 12:5, 6), which must have been very numerous; about fifty perhaps. The most notable was that of Bethabara. Mention is also made of the ford of the Jabbok (Genesis 32:22), and of the fords of Arnon (Isaiah 16:2) and of the Euphrates (Jeremiah 51:32).

FOREHEAD The practice common among Oriental nations of colouring the forehead or impressing on it some distinctive mark as a sign of devotion to some deity is alluded to in Revelation 13:16, 17; 14:9; 17:5; 20:4.

The “jewel on thy forehead” mentioned in Ezekiel 16:12 (R.V., “a ring upon thy nose”) was in all probability the “nose-ring” (Isaiah 3:21).

In Ezekiel 3:7 the word “impudent” is rightly rendered in the Revised Version “an hard forehead.” (See also ver. 8, 9.)