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In Psalm 78:47 the word rendered “frost” (R.V. marg., “great hail-stones”), hanamal, occurs only there. It is rendered by Gesenius, the Hebrew lexicographer, “ant,” and so also by others, but the usual interpretation derived from the ancient versions may be maintained.

FRUIT a word as used in Scripture denoting produce in general, whether vegetable or animal. The Hebrews divided the fruits of the land into three classes:,

(1.) The fruit of the field, “corn-fruit” (Hebrews dagan); all kinds of grain and pulse.

(2.) The fruit of the vine, “vintage-fruit” (Hebrews tirosh); grapes, whether moist or dried.

(3.) “Orchard-fruits” (Hebrews yitshar), as dates, figs, citrons, etc.

Injunctions concerning offerings and tithes were expressed by these Hebrew terms alone (Numbers 18:12; Deuteronomy 14:23). This word “fruit” is also used of children or offspring (Genesis 30:2; Deuteronomy 7:13; Luke 1:42; Psalm 21:10; 132:11); also of the progeny of beasts

(Deuteronomy 28:51; Isaiah 14:29).

It is used metaphorically in a variety of forms (Psalm 104:13; Proverbs 1:31; 11:30; 31:16; Isaiah 3:10; 10:12; Matthew 3:8; 21:41; 26:29;

Hebrews 13:15; Romans 7:4, 5; 15:28).

The fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23; Ephesians 5:9; James 3:17, 18) are those gracious dispositions and habits which the Spirit produces in those in whom he dwells and works.

FRYING-PAN (Hebrews marhesheth, a “boiler”), a pot for boiling meat (Leviticus 2:7; 7:9).

FUEL Almost every kind of combustible matter was used for fuel, such as the withered stalks of herbs (Matthew 6:30), thorns (Psalm 58:9;