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hand-writing may reflect the energy and determination of his soul.” (See JUSTIFICATION.)

GALBANUM Hebrews helbenah, (Exodus 30:34), one of the ingredients in the holy incense. It is a gum, probably from the Galbanum officinale.

GALEED heap of witness, the name of the pile of stones erected by Jacob and Laban to mark the league of friendship into which they entered with each other (Genesis 31:47, 48). This was the name given to the “heap” by Jacob. It is Hebrew, while the name Jegar-sahadutha, given to it by Laban, is Aramaic (Chaldee or Syriac). Probably Nahor’s family originally spoke Aramaic, and Abraham and his descendants learned Hebrew, a kindred dialect, in the land of Canaan.

GALILEAN an inhabitant or native of Galilee. This word was used as a name of contempt as applied to our Lord’s disciples (Luke 22:59; Acts 2:7). All the apostles, with the exception of Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:11), were Galileans. Peter was detected by his Galilean accent (Matthew 26:69; Mark 14:70).

This was also one of the names of reproach given to the early Christians. Julian the Apostate, as he is called, not only used the epithet himself when referring to Christ and his apostles, but he made it a law that no one should ever call the Christians by any other name.