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The passage in 2:4, “The just shall live by his faith,” is quoted by the apostle in Romans 1:17. (Comp. Galatians 3:12; Hebrews 10:37, 38.)
•HABERGEON an Old English word for breastplate. In Job 41:26 (Hebrews shiryah) it is properly a “coat of mail;” the Revised Version has “pointed shaft.” In Exodus 28:32, 39:23, it denotes a military garment strongly and thickly woven and covered with mail round the neck and breast. Such linen corselets have been found in Egypt. The word used in these verses is tahra, which is of Egyptian origin. The Revised Version, however, renders it by “coat of mail.” (See ARMOUR.)
•HABITATION God is the habitation of his people, who find rest and safety in him (Psalm 71:3; 91:9). Justice and judgment are the habitation of God’s throne (Psalm 89:14, Hebrews mekhon, “foundation”), because all his acts are founded on justice and judgment. (See Psalm 132:5, 13; Ephesians 2:22, of Canaan, Jerusalem, and the temple as God’s