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Christ has set us an example of humility (Phil. 2:6-8). We should be led thereto by a remembrance of our sins (Lamentations 3:39), and by the thought that it is the way to honour (Proverbs 16:18), and that the greatest promises are made to the humble (Psalm 147:6; Isaiah 57:15; 66:2; 1 Peter 5:5). It is a “great paradox in Christianity that it makes humility the avenue to glory.”

HUNTING mentioned first in Genesis 10:9 in connection with Nimrod. Esau was “a cunning hunter” (Genesis 25:27). Hunting was practised by the Hebrews after their settlement in the “Land of Promise” (Leviticus 17:15; Proverbs 12:27). The lion and other ravenous beasts were found in Palestine (1 Samuel 17:34; 2 Samuel 23:20; 1 Kings 13:24; Ezekiel 19:3-8), and it must have been necessary to hunt and destroy them. Various snares and gins were used in hunting (Psalm 91:3; Amos 3:5; 2 Samuel 23:20).

War is referred to under the idea of hunting (Jeremiah 16:16; Ezekiel 32:30).

HUR a hole, as of a viper, etc. (1.) A son of Caleb (1 Chronicles 2:19, 50; 4:1, 4; comp. 2 Chronicles 1:5).

(2.) The husband of Miriam, Moses’ sister (Exodus 17:10-12). He was associated with Aaron in charge of the people when Moses was absent on Sinai (Exodus 24:14). He was probably of the tribe of Judah, and grandfather of Bezaleel (Exodus 31:2; 35:30; 1 Chronicles 2:19).

(3.) One of the five princes of Midian who were defeated and slain by the Israelites under the command of Phinehas (Numbers 31:8).

HURAI linen-worker, one of David’s heroes, a native of the valley of Mount Gaash (1 Chronicles 11:32).

HUSBAND i.e., the “house-band,” connecting and keeping together the whole family. A man when betrothed was esteemed from that time a