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ground that it became him to “fulfil all righteousness” (3:15). John’s special office ceased with the baptism of Jesus, who must now “increase” as the King come to his kingdom. He continued, however, for a while to bear testimony to the Messiahship of Jesus. He pointed him out to his disciples, saying, “Behold the Lamb of God.” His public ministry was suddenly (after about six months probably) brought to a close by his being cast into prison by Herod, whom he had reproved for the sin of having taken to himself the wife of his brother Philip (Luke 3:19). He was shut up in the castle of Machaerus (q.v.), a fortress on the southern extremity of Peraea, 9 miles east of the Dead Sea, and here he was beheaded. His disciples, having consigned the headless body to the grave, went and told Jesus all that had occurred (Matthew 14:3-12). John’s death occurred apparently just before the third Passover of our Lord’s ministry. Our Lord himself testified regarding him that he was a “burning and a shining light” (John 5:35).

JOHN, THIRD EPISTLE OF is addressed to Caius, or Gaius, but whether to the Christian of that name in Macedonia (Acts 19: 29) or in Corinth (Romans 16:23) or in Derbe (Acts 20:4) is uncertain. It was written for the purpose of commending to Gaius some Christians who were strangers in the place where he lived, and who had gone thither for the purpose of preaching the gospel (ver. 7).

The Second and Third Epistles were probably written soon after the First, and from Ephesus.

JOIADA (whom Jehovah favours) = Jehoiada. (1.) Nehemiah 3:6. (2.) One of the high priests (12:10, 11, 22).

JOIAKIM (whom Jehovah has set up) = Jehoiakim, a high priest, the son and successor of Jeshua (Nehemiah 12:10, 12, 26).

JOIARIB (whom Jehovah defends) = Jehoiarib. (1.) The founder of one of the courses of the priests (Nehemiah 11:10).

(2.) Nehemiah 11:5; a descendant of Judah. (3.) Nehemiah 12:6.

(4.) Ezra 8:16, a “man of understanding” whom Ezra sent to “bring ministers for the house of God.”