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The author of this book was most probably Samuel. The internal evidence both of the first sixteen chapters and of the appendix warrants this conclusion. It was probably composed during Saul’s reign, or at the very beginning of David’s. The words in 18:30,31, imply that it was written after the taking of the ark by the Philistines, and after it was set up at Nob (1 Samuel 21). In David’s reign the ark was at Gibeon (1 Chronicles 16:39)
•JUDGMENT HALL Gr. praitorion (John 18:28, 33; 19:9; Matthew 27:27), “common hall.” In all these passages the Revised Version renders “palace.” In Mark 15:16 the word is rendered “Praetorium” (q.v.), which is a Latin word, meaning literally the residence of the praetor, and then the governor’s residence in general, though not a praetor. Throughout the Gospels the word “praitorion” has this meaning (comp. Acts 23:35). Pilate’s official residence when he was in Jerusalem was probably a part of the fortress of Antonia.
The trial of our Lord was carried on in a room or office of the palace. The “whole band” spoken of by Mark were gathered together in the palace court.