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LEWDNESS (Acts 18:14), villany or wickedness, not lewdness in the modern sense of the word. The word “lewd” is from the Saxon, and means properly “ignorant,” “unlearned,” and hence low, vicious (Acts 17:5).

LIBERTINE found only Acts 6:9, one who once had been a slave, but who had been set at liberty, or the child of such a person. In this case the name probably denotes those descendants of Jews who had been carried captives to Rome as prisoners of war by Pompey and other Roman generals in the Syrian wars, and had afterwards been liberated. In A.D. 19 these manumitted Jews were banished from Rome. Many of them found their way to Jerusalem, and there established a synagogue.

LIBNAH transparency; whiteness. (1.) One of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness (Numbers 33:20, 21).

(2.) One of the royal cities of the Canaanites taken by Joshua (Joshua 10:29-32; 12:15). It became one of the Levitical towns in the tribe of Judah (21:13), and was strongly fortified. Sennacherib laid siege to it (2 Kings 19:8; Isaiah 37:8). It was the native place of Hamutal, the queen of Josiah (2 Kings 23:31). It stood near Lachish, and has been identified with the modern Arak el-Menshiyeh.

LIBNI white, one of the two sons of Gershon, the son of Levi (Exodus 6:17; Numbers 3:18, 21). (See LAADAN Ø(n/a).)

LIBYA the country of the Ludim (Genesis 10:13), Northern Africa, a large tract lying along the Mediterranean, to the west of Egypt (Acts 2:10). Cyrene was one of its five cities.

LICE (Hebrews kinnim), the creatures employed in the third plague sent upon Egypt (Exodus 8:16-18). They were miraculously produced from the

dust of the land. “The entomologists Kirby and Spence place these minute but disgusting insects in the very front rank of those which inflict injury upon man. A terrible list of examples they have collected of the ravages of this and closely allied parasitic pests.” The plague of lice is referred to in Psalm 105:31.

Some have supposed that the word denotes not lice properly, but gnats. Others, with greater probability, take it to mean the “tick” which is much larger than lice.