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MEARAH a cave, a place in the northern boundary of Palestine (Joshua 13:4). This may be the cave of Jezzin in Lebanon, 10 miles east of Sidon, on the Damascus road; or probably, as others think, Mogheirizeh, north-east of Sidon.

MEASURE Several words are so rendered in the Authorized Version. (1.) Those which are indefinite. (a) Hok, Isaiah 5:14, elsewhere “statute.” (b) Mad, Job 11:9; Jeremiah 13:25, elsewhere “garment.” (c) Middah, the word most frequently thus translated, Exodus 26:2, 8, etc. (d) Mesurah, Leviticus 19:35; 1 Chronicles 23:29. (e) Mishpat, Jeremiah 30:11, elsewhere “judgment.” (f) Mithkoneth and token, Ezekiel 45:11. (g) In New Testament metron, the usual Greek word thus rendered (Matthew 7:2; 23:32; Mark 4:24).

(2.) Those which are definite. (a) ‘Eyphah, Deuteronomy 25:14, 15, usually “ephah.” (b) Ammah, Jeremiah 51:13, usually “cubit.” (c) Kor, 1 Kings 4:22, elsewhere “cor;” Greek koros, Luke 16:7. (d) Seah, Genesis 18:6; 1 Samuel 25:18, a seah; Greek saton, Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:21. (e) Shalish, “a great measure,” Isaiah 40:12; literally a third, i.e., of an ephah.

(f) In New Testament batos, Luke 16:6, the Hebrew “bath;” and choinix, Revelation 6:6, the choenix, equal in dry commodities to one-eighth of a modius.

MEAT-OFFERING (Hebrews minhah), originally a gift of any kind. This Hebrew word came latterly to denote an “unbloody” sacrifice, as opposed to a “bloody” sacrifice. A “drink-offering” generally accompanied it. The law regarding it is given in Leviticus 2, and 6:14-23. It was a recognition of the sovereignty of God and of his bounty in giving all earthly blessings (1 Chronicles 29:10-14; Deuteronomy 26:5-11). It was an offering which took for granted and was based on the offering for sin. It followed the