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MEHUJAEL smitten by God, the son of Irad, and father of Methusael (Genesis 4:18).

MEHUMAN faithful, one of the eunchs whom Ahasuerus (Xerxes) commanded to bring in Vashti (Esther 1:10).

MEHUNIMS habitations, (2 Chronicles 26:7; R.V. “Meunim,” Vulg. Ammonitae), a people against whom Uzziah waged a successful war. This word is in Hebrew the plural of Ma’on, and thus denotes the Maonites who inhabited the country on the eastern side of the Wady el-Arabah. They are again mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:41 (R.V.), in the reign of King Hezekiah, as a Hamite people, settled in the eastern end of the valley of Gedor, in the wilderness south of Palestine. In this passage the Authorized Version has “habitation,” erroneously following the translation of Luther.

They are mentioned in the list of those from whom the Nethinim were made up (Ezra 2:50; Nehemiah 7:52).

ME-JARKON waters of yellowness, or clear waters, a river in the tribe of Dan (Joshua 19:46). It has been identified with the river ‘Aujeh, which rises at Antipatris.

MEKONAH a base or foundation, a town in the south of Judah (Nehemiah 11:28), near Ziklag.

MELCHI my king. (1.) The son of Addi, and father of Neri (Luke 3:28). (2.) Luke 3:24.

MELCHIZEDEK king of righteousness, the king of Salem (q.v.). All we know of him is recorded in Genesis 14:18-20. He is subsequently mentioned only once in the Old Testament, in Psalm 110:4. The typical significance of his history is set forth in detail in the Epistle to the Hebrews, ch. 7. The apostle there points out the superiority of his

priesthood to that of Aaron in these several respects, (1) Even Abraham paid him tithes; (2) he blessed Abraham; (3) he is the type of a Priest who lives for ever; (4) Levi, yet unborn, paid him tithes in the person of Abraham; (5) the permanence of his priesthood in Christ implied the abrogation of the Levitical system; (6) he was made priest not without an oath; and (7) his priesthood can neither be transmitted nor interrupted by death: “this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.”