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Of instruments of percussion mention is made of, (1.) The toph, an instrument of the drum kind, rendered “timbrel” (Exodus 15:20; Job 21:12; Psalm 68:25); also “tabret” (Genesis 31:27; Isaiah 24:8; 1 Samuel 10:5). (2.) The paamon, the “bells” on the robe of the high priest (Exodus 28:33; 39:25). (3.) The tseltselim, “cymbals” (2 Samuel 6:5; Psalm 150:5), which are struck together and produce a loud, clanging sound. Metsilloth, “bells” on horses and camels for ornament, and metsiltayim, “cymbals” (1 Chronicles 13:8; Ezra 3:10, etc.). These words are all derived from the same root, tsalal, meaning “to tinkle.” (4.) The menaan’im, used only in 2 Samuel 6:5, rendered “cornets” (R.V., “castanets”); in the Vulgate, “sistra,” an instrument of agitation. (5.) The shalishim, mentioned only in 1 Samuel 18:6, rendered “instruments of music” (marg. of R.V., “triangles or three-stringed instruments”).
The words in Ecclesiastes 2:8, “musical instruments, and that of all sorts,” Authorized Version, are in the Revised Version “concubines very many.”
•MUSTARD a plant of the genus sinapis, a pod-bearing, shrub-like plant, growing wild, and also cultivated in gardens. The little round seeds were an