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NEDABIAH moved of Jehovah, one of the sons of Jeconiah (1 Chronicles 3:18).

NEEDLE used only in the proverb, “to pass through a needle’s eye” (Matthew 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25). Some interpret the expression as referring to the side gate, close to the principal gate, usually called the “eye of a needle” in the East; but it is rather to be taken literally. The Hebrew females were skilled in the use of the needle (Exodus 28:39; 26:36; Judges 5:30).

NEGINAH in the title of Psalm 61, denotes the music of stringed instruments (1 Samuel 16:16; Isaiah 38:20). It is the singular form of Neginoth.

NEGINOTH i.e., songs with instrumental accompaniment, found in the titles of Psalm 4; 6; 54; 55; 67; 76; rendered “stringed instruments,” Habakkuk 3:19, A.V. It denotes all kinds of stringed instruments, as the “harp,” “psaltery,” “viol,” etc. The “chief musician on Neginoth” is the leader of that part of the temple choir which played on stringed instruments.

NEHELAMITE the name given to a false prophet Shemaiah, who went with the captives to Babylon (Jeremiah 29:24, 31, 32). The origin of the name is unknown. It is rendered in the marg, “dreamer.”

NEHEMIAH comforted by Jehovah. (1.) Ezra 2:2; Nehemiah 7:7. (2.) Nehemiah 3:16.

(3.) The son of Hachaliah (Nehemiah 1:1), and probably of the tribe of Judah. His family must have belonged to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:3). He was one of the “Jews of the dispersion,” and in his youth was appointed

to the important office of royal cup-bearer at the palace of Shushan. The king, Artaxerxes Longimanus, seems to have been on terms of friendly familiarity with his attendant. Through his brother Hanani, and perhaps from other sources (Nehemiah 1:2; 2:3), he heard of the mournful and desolate condition of the Holy City, and was filled with sadness of heart. For many days he fasted and mourned and prayed for the place of his fathers’ sepulchres. At length the king observed his sadness of countenance and asked the reason of it. Nehemiah explained it all to the king, and obtained his permission to go up to Jerusalem and there to act as tirshatha, or governor of Judea. He went up in the spring of B.C. 446 (eleven years after Ezra), with a strong escort supplied by the king, and with letters to all the pashas of the provinces through which he had to pass, as also to Asaph, keeper of the royal forests, directing him to assist Nehemiah. On his arrival he set himself to survey the city, and to form a plan for its restoration; a plan which he carried out with great skill and energy, so that the whole was completed in about six months. He remained in Judea for thirteen years as governor, carrying out many reforms, notwithstanding much opposition that he encountered (Nehemiah 13:11). He built up the state on the old lines, “supplementing and completing the work of Ezra,” and making all arrangements for the safety and good government of the city. At the close of this important period of his public life, he returned to Persia to the service of his royal master at Shushan or Ecbatana. Very soon after this the old corrupt state of things returned, showing the worthlessness to a large extent of the professions that had been made at the feast of the dedication of the walls of the city (Nehemiah

12. See EZRA). Malachi now appeared among the people with words of

stern reproof and solemn warning; and Nehemiah again returned from Persia (after an absence of some two years), and was grieved to see the widespread moral degeneracy that had taken place during his absence. He set himself with vigour to rectify the flagrant abuses that had sprung up, and restored the orderly administration of public worship and the outward observance of the law of Moses. Of his subsequent history we know nothing. Probably he remained at his post as governor till his death (about

B.C. 413) in a good old age. The place of his death and burial is, however, unknown. “He resembled Ezra in his fiery zeal, in his active spirit of enterprise, and in the piety of his life: but he was of a bluffer and a fiercer mood; he had less patience with transgressors; he was a man of action rather than a man of thought, and more inclined to use force than