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•OREB raven, a prince of Midian, who, being defeated by Gideon and put to straits, was slain along with Zeeb (Judges 7:20-25). Many of the Midianites perished along with him (Psalm 83:9; Isaiah 10:26).
•OREN ash or pine, the son of Jerahmeel (1 Chronicles 2:25).
•ORGAN some kind of wind instrument, probably a kind of Pan’s pipes (Genesis 4:21; Job 21:12; Psalm 150:4), which consisted of seven or eight reeds of unequal length.
•ORION Hebrews Kesil; i.e., “the fool”, the name of a constellation (Job 9:9; 38:31; Amos 5:8) consisting of about eighty stars. The Vulgate renders thus, but the LXX. renders by Hesperus, i.e., “the evening-star,” Venus. The Orientals “appear to have conceived of this constellation under the figure of an impious giant bound upon the sky.” This giant was, according to tradition, Nimrod, the type of the folly that contends against God. In Isaiah 13:10 the plural form of the Hebrew word is rendered “constellations.”
•ORNAN 1 Chronicles 21:15. (See ARAUNAH.)
•ORPAH forelock or fawn, a Moabitess, the wife of Chilion (Ruth 1:4; 4:10). On the death of her husband she accompanied Naomi, her mother-in-law, part of the way to Bethlehem, and then returned to Moab.
•ORPHANS (Lamentations 5:3), i.e., desolate and without protectors. The word occurs only here. In John 14:18 the word there rendered “comfortless” (R.V., “desolate;” marg., “orphans”) properly means “orphans.” The same Greek word is rendered “fatherless” in James 1:27.