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In 1 Samuel 9:22 the Revised Version reads “guest chamber,” a chamber at the high place specially used for sacrificial feasts.
•PARMASHTA strong-fisted, a son of Haman, slain in Shushan (Esther 9:9).
•PARMENAS constant, one of the seven “deacons” (Acts 6:5).
•PARSHANDATHA an interpreter of the law, the eldest of Haman’s sons, slain in Shushan (Esther 9:7).
•PARTHIANS were present in Jerusalem at Pentecost (Acts 2:9). Parthia lay on the east of Media and south of Hyrcania, which separated it from the Caspian Sea. It corresponded with the western half of the modern Khorasan, and now forms a part of Persia.
•PARTRIDGE (Hebrews kore, i.e., “caller”). This bird, unlike our own partridge, is distinguished by “its ringing call-note, which in early morning echoes from cliff to cliff amidst the barrenness of the wilderness of Judea and the glens of the forest of Carmel” hence its Hebrew name. This name occurs only twice in Scripture.
In 1 Samuel 26:20 “David alludes to the mode of chase practised now, as of old, when the partridge, continuously chased, was at length, when fatigued, knocked down by sticks thrown along the ground.” It endeavours to save itself “by running, in preference to flight, unless when suddenly started. It is not an inhabitant of the plain or the corn-field, but of rocky hill-sides” (Tristram’s Nat. Hist.).
In Jeremiah 17:11 the prophet is illustrating the fact that riches unlawfully acquired are precarious and short-lived. The exact nature of the illustration cannot be precisely determined. Some interpret the words as meaning that the covetous man will be as surely disappointed as the partridge which