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•PITCH (Genesis 6:14), asphalt or bitumen in its soft state, called “slime” (Genesis 11:3; 14:10; Exodus 2:3), found in pits near the Dead Sea (q.v.). It was used for various purposes, as the coating of the outside of vessels and in building. Allusion is made in Isaiah 34:9 to its inflammable character. (See SLIME.)
•PITCHER a vessel for containing liquids. In the East pitchers were usually carried on the head or shoulders (Genesis 24:15-20; Judges 7:16, 19; Mark 14:13).
•PITHOM Egyptian, Pa-Tum, “house of Tum,” the sun-God, one of the “treasure” cities built for Pharaoh Rameses II. by the Israelites (Exodus 1:11). It was probably the Patumos of the Greek historian Herodotus. It has now been satisfactorily identified with Tell-el-Maskhuta, about 12 miles west of Ismailia, and 20 east of Tel-el-Kebir, on the southern bank of the present Suez Canal. Here have recently (1883) been discovered the ruins of supposed grain-chambers, and other evidences to show that this was a great “store city.” Its immense ruin-heaps show that it was built of bricks, and partly also of bricks without straw. Succoth (Exodus 12:37) is supposed by some to be the secular name of this city, Pithom being its sacred name. This was the first halting-place of the Israelites in their exodus. It has been argued (Dr. Lansing) that these “store” cities “were residence cities, royal dwellings, such as the Pharaohs of old, the Kings of Israel, and our modern Khedives have ever loved to build, thus giving employment to the superabundant muscle of their enslaved peoples, and making a name for themselves.”
•PLAGUE a “stroke” of affliction, or disease. Sent as a divine chastisement (Numbers 11:33; 14:37; 16:46-49; 2 Samuel 24:21). Painful afflictions or diseases, (Leviticus 13:3, 5, 30; 1 Kings 8:37), or severe calamity (Mark 5:29; Luke 7:21), or the judgment of God, so called (Exodus 9:14). Plagues of Egypt were ten in number.
(1.) The river Nile was turned into blood, and the fish died, and the river stank, so that the Egyptians loathed to drink of the river (Exodus 7:14-25).
(2.) The plague of frogs (Exodus 8:1-15).
(3.) The plague of lice (Hebrews kinnim, properly gnats or mosquitoes; comp. Psalm 78:45; 105:31), “out of the dust of the land” (Exodus 8:16-19).
(4.) The plague of flies (Hebrews arob, rendered by the LXX. dog-fly), Exodus 8:21-24.