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(3.) In the New Testament it is used forty-three times as a distinctive title of the Saviour. In the Old Testament it is used only in Psalm 80:17 and Daniel 7:13 with this application. It denotes the true humanity of our Lord. He had a true body (Hebrews 2:14; Luke 24:39) and a rational soul. He was perfect man.

SOOTHSAYER one who pretends to prognosticate future events. Baalam is so called (Joshua 13:22; Hebrews kosem, a “diviner,” as rendered 1 Samuel 6:2; rendered “prudent,” Isaiah 3:2). In Isaiah 2:6 and Micah 5:12 (Hebrews yonenim, i.e., “diviners of the clouds”) the word is used of the Chaldean diviners who studied the clouds. In Daniel 2:27; 5:7 the word is the rendering of the Chaldee gazrin, i.e., “deciders” or “determiners”, here applied to Chaldean astrologers, “who, by casting nativities from the place of the stars at one’s birth, and by various arts of computing and divining, foretold the fortunes and destinies of individuals.”, Gesenius, Lex. Hebrews (See SORCERER.)

SOP a morsel of bread (John 13:26; comp. Ruth 2:14). Our Lord took a piece of unleavened bread, and dipping it into the broth of bitter herbs at the Paschal meal, gave it to Judas. (Comp. Ruth 2:14.)

SOPATER the father who saves, probably the same as Sosipater, a kinsman of Paul (Romans 16:21), a Christian of the city of Berea who accompanied Paul into Asia (Acts 20:4-6).

SORCERER from the Latin sortiarius, one who casts lots, or one who tells the lot of others. (See DIVINATION.)

In Daniel 2:2 it is the rendering of the Hebrew mekhashphim, i.e., mutterers, men who professed to have power with evil spirits. The practice of sorcery exposed to severest punishment (Malachi 3:5; Revelation 21:8; 22:15).

SOREK choice vine, the name of a valley, i.e., a torrent-bed, now the Wady Surar, “valley of the fertile spot,” which drains the western Judean