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Begins the rebuilding of the temple. 18
dedicated to Augustus. 10
Birth of John the Baptist. 5
Birth of our Lord, as now generally received. Death of Herod the Great at Jerico. Archelaus becomes king in his stead. 4
5. The New Testament History.
Palestine. | B.C. | Rome. |
Nativity of Christ. See above Antipater murdered by his father. | 4 2 | Cyrenius (Quirinus) perfect (legatus) of Syria-the first time (Luke 2:2). |
Nativity of Christ, according to Tertullian and Eusebius. | A.D. 1 | |
Judea becomes a Roman Province, and is annexed to the province of Syria. | 6 | |
Jesus at the age of twelve visits the temple. | 8 | Cyrenius again legatus of Syria. Completes the "taxing" (Acts 5:37). |
14 | Tiberius succeeds Augustus. | |
Caiaphas made high priest. | 17 | |
Pontius Pilate fifth procurator. | 26 | |
Palestine | B.C. | Rome |
John the Baptist imprisoned and beheaded by Herod Antipas. | 30 | |
Crucifixion of our Lord. The Pentecostal effusion. | 33 | |
Martydom of Stephen. Conversion of Asaul of Tarsus. | 36 |
Herod Agrippa I, succeeded his uncle Herod Philip II, in the tetrarchy of Trachonitis and Ituraea. | 37 | Death of Tiberius. Accession of Caligula. |
Saul's first visit to Jerusalem (Galatians 1:18). Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea, deposed and banished. Was succeeded by Herod Agrippa. | 40 | |
Herod Agrippa I. gained Judea and Samaria; conversion of Cornelius. | 41 | Death of Caligula. Accession of Claudius. |
The first Gentile church at Antioch. | 43 | |
Herod Agrippa I., King of Judea and Samaria, beheaded James (Zebedee's son) Acts 12:2,23. Herod Agrippa dies at Caesarea (Acts 12:1, 6, 11, 19, 23). | 44 |
Palestine. | B.C. | Rome. |
Paul's first mis-sionary journey (about 3 years) — Acts 13-14. "Saul, who is also called Paul" (Acts 13:9). | 47 | |
Council at Jerusa-lem (Acts 15:1-35). The epistle of the council to the Gentile Christians in Syria and Cilicia is probably the oldest written document of the Christian Church | 50 | |
Felix procurator. Paul's second missionary journey (more than 3 years) — Acts 15:36- 18; 23. | 51 | |
Wrote from Cor-inth the epistles to the Thessalon-ians (1 Thessa-lonians 1:7, 8; Acts 18:5. | 52 | Decree of Claud-isu banishing the Jews from Rome. |
54-68 | Nero emperor, successor of Claudius. | |
Paul's third mis-sionary journey (about 4 years) — Acts 18:23-21; 14. | 54 | |
During his stay at Ephesus (Acts 19) wrote epistle to the Galatians (Acts 20:2; Galatians 6:11), and probably First Corinthians 1 Corinthians 1:23; 7:5). | 57 or 58 | |
Palestine | B.C. | Rome. |
Wrote from Macedonia Second Corinthians (2 Corinthians 1:23; 7:5. | 57 | |
Wrote from Corinth epistle to Romans at close of his stay there (Acts 20:3; 1 Corinthians 16:6) | 58 | |
Paul visits Jerusalem. Is brought before Felix, and imprisoned for two years at Caesarea (Acts 21:17-26. | 58 | |
Paul before the procurator Porcius Festus. Is sent a prisoner to Rome | 60 | |
Arrives at Rome in spring of | 61 | |
Paul writes from Rome his epistles to the | 61-63 |
Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and the Philippians and probably Hebrews. | ||
Paul probably released. | 63 | |
Paul's movements after his release are uncertain. Some think that at Corinth he wrote the first Epistle to Timothy and the Epistle to Titus. | 64 | Great fire at Rome. First general persecu-tion of the Christ-ians. |
Palestine. | B.C. | Rome. |
Arrested at Ephesus, and sent prisoner to Rome. | 65 | |
Wrote Second Epistle to Timothy from Rome. Was Martyred (?) | 66 | |
Others think that Paul wrote First Epistle to Timothy from Macedonia, and the Epistle to Titus from Ephesus, and that he spent the winter of this year at Nicopolis, where he was taken prisoner and sent to Rome, whence he wrote the second Epistle to Timothy. Suffered martyrdom (?). | 67 | |
68 | Nero killed by his secretary, Epaphroditus, "In the thirtieth year of his age and in the fourteenth of his reign." | |
69 | Vespasian emperor. | |
Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, the Roman general. | 70 | |
John probably writes his Gospel and Epistles. | 80-90 | |
91 | Titus emperor. |
Palestine. | B.C. | Rome. |
John writes the book of Revelation. | 95 | |
96 | Second general persecution of Christians. | |
97 | Nerva emperor. |
98 | Trajan emperor. |
1. The flood. Genesis 7, 8.
2. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 19:24.
3. Lot's wife turned into a "pillar of salt". 19:26.
4. Birth of Isaac at Gerar. 21:1.
5. The burning bush not consumed. Exodus 3:3.
6. Aaron's rod changed into a serpent. 7:10-12.
7. The ten plagues of Egypt — .(1) waters become blood, (2) frogs, (3) lice, (4) flies,
(5) murrain, (6) boils, (7) thunder and hail,
(8) ocusts, (9) darkness, (10) death of the first-born.........................................7:20-12:30.
8. the Red Sea divided; Israel passes through. 14:21-31
9. the waters of Marah sweetened. Exodus 15:23-25
10. Manna sent daily, except on Sabbath. 16:14-35
11. Water from the rock at Rephidim17:5-7
12. Nadab and Abihu consumed for offering "strange fire". Leviticus 10:1,2.
13. Some of the people consumed by fire at Taberah. Numbers 11:1-3
14. The earth opens and swallows up Korah and his company fire and plague
follow at Kadesh. 16:32
15. Aaron's rod budding at Kadesh. 17:8
16. Water from the rock smitten twice by Moses, Desert of Zin. 20:7-11.
17. The brazen serpent in the Desert of Zin. Numbers 21:8, 9.
18. Balaam's ass speaks. 22:21-35
19. The Jordan divided, so that Israel passed over dryshod. Joshua 3:14-17
20. The walls of Jericho fall down. 6:6-20
21. The sun and moon stayed. Hailstorm. 10:12-14
22. The strength of Samson. Judges 14-16
23. Water from a hollow place "that is in Lehi". 15:19.
24. Dagon falls twice before the ark. Emerods on the Philistines. 1 Samuel
25. Men of Beth-shemesh smitten for looking into the ark. 6:19
26. Thunderstorm causes a panic among the Philistines at Eben-ezer. 7:10-12.
27. Thunder and rain in harvest at Gilagal. 12:18.
28. Sound in the mulberry trees at Rephaim. 2 Samuel 5:23-25.
29. Uzzah smitten for touching the ark at
Perez-uzzah. 6:6, 7
30. Jeroboam's hand withered. His new altar destroyed at Bethel 1 kings 13:4-6.
31. Widow of Zarephath's meal and oil increased. 17:17-16.
32 Widow's son raised from the dead. 17:17-24.
33. Drought, fire, and rain at Elijah's prayer, and Elijah fed by ravens. 17, 18.
34. Ahaziah's captains consumed by fire near Samaria. 2 Kings 1:10-12.
35. Jordan divided by Elijah and Elisha near Jerico. 2:7, 8, 14.
36. Elijah carried up into heaven. 2:11.
37. Waters of Jericho healed by Elisha's casting salt into them. 2 Kings 2:21, 22
38. Bears out of the wood destroy forty- two "young men". 2:24.
39. Water provided for Jehoshaphat and the allied army. 3:16-20
40. The widow's oil multiplied. 3:16-20.
41. The Shunam-mite's son given and raised form the dead at Shunem. 4:32-27.
42. The deadly pottage cured with meal at Gilgal. 4:38-41
43. An hundred men fed with twenty loaves a Gilgal. 4:38-41
44. Naaman cured of leprosy. Gehazi afflicted with it. 5:10-27.
45. The iron axe-had made to swim, river Jordan. 6:5-7
46. Ben-hadad's plans discovered. Hazael's thoughts, etc. 6:12
47. The Syrian army smitten with blindness at Dothan. 6:18
48. The Syrian army cured of blindness at Samaria. 6:20
49. Elisha's bones revive the dead. 13:21
50. Sennacherib's army destroyed, Jerusalem. 19:35
51. Shadow of sun goes back ten degrees on the sun-dial of Ahaz, Jerusalem. 20:9-11
52. Uzziah struck with leprosy, Jerusalem...............................................................
.....................................2 Chronicles 26:16-21
53. Shadrach, Meshach, and abed-nego delivered from the fiery furnace, Babylon. Daniel 3:10-27
54. Daniel saved in the lions den. 6:16-23.
55. Jonah in the whale's belly, Safely landed. Jonah 2:1-10