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•BELIAL worthlessness, frequently used in the Old Testament as a proper name. It is first used in Deuteronomy 13:13. In the New Testament it is found only in 2 Corinthians 6:15, where it is used as a name of Satan, the personification of all that is evil. It is translated “wicked” in Deuteronomy 15:9; Psalm 41:8 (R.V. marg.); 101:3; Proverbs 6:12, etc. The expression “son” or “man of Belial” means simply a worthless, lawless person (Judges 19:22; 20:13; 1 Samuel 1:16; 2:12).
•BELL The bells first mentioned in Scripture are the small golden bells attached to the hem of the high priest’s ephod (Exodus 28:33, 34, 35). The “bells of the horses” mentioned by Zechariah (14:20) were attached to the bridles or belts round the necks of horses trained for war, so as to accustom them to noise and tumult.
•BELLOWS occurs only in Jeremiah 6:29, in relation to the casting of metal. Probably they consisted of leather bags similar to those common in Egypt.
•BELLY the seat of the carnal affections (Titus 1:12; Phil. 3:19; Romans 16:18). The word is used symbolically for the heart (Proverbs 18:8; 20:27; 22:18, marg.). The “belly of hell” signifies the grave or underworld (Jonah 2:2).
•BELSHAZZAR Bel protect the king!, the last of the kings of Babylon (Daniel 5:1). He was the son of Nabonidus by Nitocris, who was the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar and the widow of Nergal-sharezer. When still young he made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and when heated with wine sent for the sacred vessels his “father” (Daniel 5:2), or grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar had carried away from the temple in Jerusalem, and he and his princes drank out of them. In the midst of their mad revelry a hand was seen by the king tracing on the wall the announcement of God’s judgment, which that night fell upon him. At the
instance of the queen (i.e., his mother) Daniel was brought in, and he interpreted the writing. That night the kingdom of the Chaldeans came to an end, and the king was slain (Daniel 5:30). (See NERGAL-SHAREZER.)