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BISHOP an overseer. In apostolic times, it is quite manifest that there was no difference as to order between bishops and elders or presbyters (Acts 20:17-28; 1 Peter 5:1, 2; Phil. 1:1; 1 Timothy 3). The term bishop is never once used to denote a different office from that of elder or presbyter. These different names are simply titles of the same office, “bishop” designating the function, namely, that of oversight, and “presbyter” the dignity appertaining to the office. Christ is figuratively called “the bishop [episcopos] of souls” (1 Peter 2:25).

BIT the curb put into the mouths of horses to restrain them. The Hebrew word (metheg) so rendered in Psalm 32:9 is elsewhere translated “bridle” (2 Kings 19:28; Proverbs 26:3; Isaiah 37:29). Bits were generally made of bronze or iron, but sometimes also of gold or silver. In James 3:3 the Authorized Version translates the Greek word by “bits,” but the Revised Version by “bridles.”

BITH-RON the broken or divided place, a district in the Arabah or Jordan valley, on the east of the river (2 Samuel 2:29). It was probably the designation of the region in general, which is broken and intersected by ravines.

BITHYNIA a province in Asia Minor, to the south of the Euxine and Propontis. Christian congregations were here formed at an early time (1 Peter 1:1). Paul was prevented by the Spirit from entering this province (Acts 16:7). It is noted in church history as the province ruled over by Pliny as Roman proconsul, who was perplexed as to the course he should take with the numerous Christians brought before his tribunal on account of their profession of Christianity and their conduct, and wrote to Trajan, the emperor, for instructions (A.D. 107).

BITTER Bitterness is symbolical of affliction, misery, and servitude (Exodus 1:14; Ruth 1:20; Jeremiah 9:15). The Chaldeans are called the “bitter and hasty nation” (Habakkuk 1:6). The “gall of bitterness” expresses a state of great wickedness (Acts 8:23). A “root of bitterness” is a wicked person or a dangerous sin (Hebrews 12:15).

The Passover was to be eaten with “bitter herbs” (Exodus 12:8; Numbers 9:11). The kind of herbs so designated is not known. Probably they were