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BOWL The sockets of the lamps of the golden candlestick of the tabernacle are called bowls (Exodus 25:31, 33, 34; 37:17, 19, 20); the same word so rendered being elsewhere rendered “cup” (Genesis 44:2, 12, 16), and wine “pot” (Jeremiah 35:5). The reservoir for oil, from which pipes led to each lamp in Zechariah’s vision of the candlestick, is called also by this name (Zechariah 4:2, 3); so also are the vessels used for libations (Exodus 25:29; 37:16).

BOX for holding oil or perfumery (Mark 14:3). It was of the form of a flask or bottle. The Hebrew word (pak) used for it is more appropriately rendered “vial” in 1 Samuel 10:1, and should also be so rendered in 2 Kings 9:1, where alone else it occurs.

BOX-TREE (Hebrews teashshur), mentioned in Isaiah 60:13; 41:19, was, according to some, a species of cedar growing in Lebanon. The words of Ezekiel 27:6 literally translated are, “Thy benches they have made of ivory, the daughter of the ashur tree,” i.e., inlaid with ashur wood. The ashur is the box-tree, and accordingly the Revised Version rightly reads “inlaid in box wood.” This is the Buxus sempervirens of botanists. It is remarkable for the beauty of its evergreen foliage and for the utility of its hard and durable wood.

BOZRAH enclosure; fortress. (1.) The city of Jobab, one of the early Edomite kings (Genesis 36:33). This place is mentioned by the prophets in later times (Isaiah 34:6; Jeremiah 49:13; Amos 1:12; Micah 2:12). Its modern representative is el-Busseireh. It lies in the mountain district of Petra, 20 miles to the south-east of the Dead Sea.

(2.) A Moabite city in the “plain country” (Jeremiah 48:24), i.e., on the high level down on the east of the Dead Sea. It is probably the modern Buzrah.

BRACELET (1.) Anklets (Numbers 31:50; 2 Samuel 1:10), and with reference to men.

(2.) The rendering of a Hebrew word meaning fasteners, found in Genesis 24:22, 30, 47.