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•BUCKET a vessel to draw water with (Isaiah 40:15); used figuratively, probably, of a numerous issue (Numbers 24:7).
•BUCKLER (1.) A portable shield (2 Samuel 22:31; 1 Chronicles 5:18).
(2.) A shield surrounding the person; the targe or round form; used once figuratively (Psalm 91:4).
(3.) A large shield protecting the whole body (Psalm 35:2; Ezekiel 23:24; 26:8).
(4.) A lance or spear; improperly rendered “buckler” in the Authorized Version (1 Chronicles 12:8), but correctly in the Revised Version “spear.”
The leather of shields required oiling (2 Samuel 1:21; Isaiah 21:5), so as to prevent its being injured by moisture. Copper (= “brass”) shields were also in use (1 Samuel 17:6; 1 Kings 14:27). Those spoken of in 1 Kings 10:16, etc.; 14:26, were probably of massive metal.
The shields David had taken from his enemies were suspended in the temple as mementoes (2 Kings 11:10). (See ARMOUR, SHIELD.)
•BUILDING among the Jews was suited to the climate and conditions of the country. They probably adopted the kind of architecture for their dwellings which they found already existing when they entered Canaan (Deuteronomy 6:10; Numbers 13:19). Phoenician artists (2 Samuel 5:11; 1 Kings 5:6, 18) assisted at the erection of the royal palace and the temple at Jerusalem. Foreigners also assisted at the restoration of the temple after the Exile (Ezra 3:7).
In Genesis 11:3, 9, we have the first recorded instance of the erection of buildings. The cities of the plain of Shinar were founded by the descendants of Shem (10:11, 12, 22).