Webster's defines infrastructure as, "the basic underlying framework or features of a system." Framework is a good place to start. Consider the importance of proper support for items such as loudspeakers, screens, lighting, etc. There are multiple design issues with each of these elements that must be considered.
For example, if a church envisions a theatrical lighting system, access to those instruments is a must. That access is most safely provided with an adequate catwalk system. Such a system requires a structure (framework) from which to hang; that structure requires a foundation upon which to be built. Therefore, the decision for a catwalk should be made before the building structure and its foundation is designed.
Carrying that thought further, to properly design the framework of the building, the building structural engineer will need direction from a lighting designer as to the locations for the catwalks. The lighting design will depend upon the functions to be lit. Continuing, defining functions and the uses of a building are part of the ministry vision of the staff. Effective churches can be boiled down to literally hundreds of successfully implemented processes, both individual and interdependent. The key is leading teams that decide on best practices and implement standard operating procedures they agree to follow every time. Over time, there’s a method for every important activity in the church — from qualifying leaders to spending money and everything in between.
When Solomon the King built the temple for the Lord, all the raw materials (gold, silver, brass, iron, furniture, accessories) were already gathered up in store by his father, King David (1 Chro 22: 14). He took seven years to build the temple of the Lord (1 Kings 6: 38). He built the temple of the Lord with the finest craftsmen, architects, who used the finest materials gathered up for the Lord. When Solomon built the best temple with the finest infrastructure for the Lord, here is what the Scripture says that happened on the day of dedication of the temple, " Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD'S house. And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshiped, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever (2 Chro 7: 1 - 3)". It was after all these that the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream to know what he needed from Him. Hence, infrastructure of the church cannot be neglected totally as far as the church planting is concerned.
When it comes to infrastructure development in church ministry, the deepest concern is much aligned with the basic requirements for the congregation to gather up to worship the Lord. A good roof over the head with a spacious place and basic flooring is more than enough. While choosing the location to set up the church, it is preferable to choose raised plains. With much ventilation, sitting inside the church for long hours wouldn't create woes. For churches with large areas, a separate administration block, prayer hall, halls to conduct Sunday school sessions, youth meetings and counseling blocks can be constructed to serve its purpose. The Lord descends and blesses His people in any place where they gather up to worship him. Yet, infrastructure is required for the smooth functioning and systematic working of the Lord's ministry. Our God is a God of discipline, orderliness and sanctity. Maintaining a serene infrastructure helps believers or even the visitors to imbibe the discipline in their day-to-day activities. Jesus himself sent two of his disciples ahead to prepare the upper room to observe the Passover (Luke 22: 7 -13). While our Master whom we serve has set up a role-model in carrying out ministry in an orderly way, we, His children ought to be more cautious in setting up an excellent infrastructure such that the name of the Lord might be magnified!