
The discipling of believers is vital and of equal importance with evangelism. As soon as spiritual babes are born they must be nourished and developed. In each Encounter with God program, a systematic and responsibility-oriented plan of discipleship is a major focus. While the methods of discipleship may vary from country to country, a thorough plan for discipleship and leadership training is a key to the future viability of a multiplying church movement.

In India, new converts are immediately encouraged to attend the Bible Academy that has special classes one evening a week. Initially, new believers are taught basic truths to ground them in their newfound faith. Then, they are led into deeper study of individual books within the Bible, and finally into studies which will develop them as church workers.

In many cases, Christian Growth Cells are also established. Each church organizes and trains lay leadership for neighborhood Christian Growth Cells, which have a four-fold purpose: (1) the teaching of the believers; (2) prayer for their mutual needs; (3) stimulation of fellowship and friendships among believers; and (4) giving opportunity for evangelisation of family and friends in a more intimate atmosphere.