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But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things,
and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26

Isaiah 41: 15

Tackle every small thing to bring forth Revival

Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

When God turns us to be heroes of revival, huge things are tackled as smaller ones. Today those who speak of revival talk about a revival that explodes. When you consider a dam built across a river, the more the water is stored, the greater is its power within, such that there is a small shake in the structure. Likewise, for revival to happen in our lives, even smaller things has to be tackled and finished. Never postpone the smaller tasks to be done, claiming they have no room for revival to come to pass. Whatever you do, do it with all your might, though it is of meagre importance. For though they are negligible, they accumulate to be of greater experience. Just the way the drops of water accumulated in a dam has the vigour, strength and might to crash down the strong dam, begin to tackle smaller things to be partakers in the Lord’s revival.

Never postpone,
- Your ministry for the day
- To live the life the Lord commands
- To walk as per the experience the Lord deals you with
These accumulate the strength, power, decisions and stronger experiences within you, which will explode one day as a revival of explosion.

When you fail to tackle small things, you will have to recede when it comes to handling huge mountains; for they are to be made as chaff and not to be swallowed up as a whole. To accomplish greater things, you must be aware of splitting it into smaller tasks; which is applicable in ministry also. “Who art thou, O great mountain before Zerubbabel, thou shalt become a plain, and he shall bring forth the head stone thereof with Shouting, Crying, Grace, Grace unto it.” When the Lord turns you to be a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth, what can a great mountain or a standing hill do against you? For you can tackle all things with Christ, the Capstone. Just ask God to help you tackle one day at a time. Until the Lord has accomplished that He had promised to be accomplished through you, He will never forsake us, who are vessels prepared unto revival. Inspite of the countless upheavals you encounter, He will never leave you nor forsake you, until He has accomplished His predestined decisions in you. The one with new sharp threshing instrument having teeth can look at the enemies, sin, tribulations and oppressions against him and confess boldly, “You’ll be flown away one day!” You’ll search for your enemies, but they’ll no longer exist. You’ll search for your enemies, but will not spot them. He will scatter them like the east wind. He will melt the mountains like the wax that melts before fire. Our God who brings forth the revival is such an extraordinary God who performs extraordinary things.
- He performs huge expected things.
- He leads you in ways you never expected.
- He lets you achieve unexpected things.
May this day be blessed, fulfilled and glorious through such an extraordinary God! The Lord will show forth His strength and fight for you!

Bible Portion for Reading:

2 Kings 15 http://ajc.church/bible/tamil-bible/old-testament/2-kings/2-kings-15.html
Ezekiel 5 http://ajc.church/bible/tamil-bible/old-testament/ezekiel/ezekiel-05.html
Luke 1 http://ajc.church/bible/tamil-bible/new-testament/luke/luke-01.html

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